your website yes or no  Deb Patrick Property Valuers Brisbane Turk will do you have photos  of your sample albums on your website  get them up there Deb because you’re not  selling your design you’re selling the  actual item ok Sarah petty

I don’t know  if you know Sarah petty is she’s amazing  says the same thing you’re not selling  your photography you’re selling products  with your photography inadar on it so  you need to get photos of the actual  products on your website all right and  when you guys take a photo i went to  costco and see that black material down  here that was sixteen dollars for a  black throw from costco put the album on  top of it stood in front of a big window  took the picture nothing fancy

ok so  every time you get a chance to show off  your albums every time you get a chance  because then not only will you get more  clients but you’ll get more clients who  want albums pants you’ll make more money  number two show big and fancy I was  first turned on to this concept by  Christine the owner of fennel albums and  everybody that I’ve talked to that makes  lots of money with albums agrees ok so  if you price it out if you price out a  sample with  pages ten-by-ten leather  the cost of that sample will be exactly  the same as a  x  toenails biggest

  square album with  pages with a metal  cover or they even make a what’s their  biggest size I think  x  horizontal  with metal on it huge enormous beautiful  ok so if you hand if imagine all of your  clients are going around seeing  everybody in town and they see a bunch  of  by  leather albums and then you

  hand them a  x  with a metal cover  and beautiful leather what are they  going to think  exactly if you hire a realtor to go and  show your houses and they show up in a  Hyundai Elantra whatever show you around  a few houses you know much care forum